CCMS begins work on restructuring synod

The CCMS’ committee on restructuring, left to right: Gary Gilmore, Rev. Dr. Harold Ristau (advisory), Herb Doering, President Robert Bugbee, Rev. Dennis Putzman, Rev. Paul Schallhorn, and Rev. William Ney. Missing are Deacon Jennifer Frim and Marilyn Schulz.

The CCMS’ committee on restructuring, left to right: Gary Gilmore, Rev. Dr. Harold Ristau (advisory), Herb Doering, President Robert Bugbee, Rev. Dennis Putzman, Rev. Paul Schallhorn, and Rev. William Ney. Missing are Deacon Jennifer Frim and Marilyn Schulz.

WINNIPEG – From August 31 to September 1, Lutheran Church–Canada’s  (LCC) Commission on Constitutional Matters and Structure met in Winnipeg to begin discussions related to the restructuring of synod.

Earlier this year, each of LCC’s three districts voted in convention to request the CCMS research and present a new structure for Lutheran Church–Canada by the time of the next national convention.  A Central District resolution, for example, called on the CCMS “to begin immediately the work of developing and presenting a new structure with application bylaw and handbook changes for the Districts and Synod of Lutheran Church–Canada,” with plans to present this new structure “to the 2017 Synodical Convention for approval and subsequent implementation.

The August-September meetings included a discussion of how best to solicit advice and suggestions from LCC members across Canada. Information on these opportunities will be publicized via The Canadian Lutheran as they become available.

The CCMS’ secretary, Rev. Paul Schallhorn, provides some initial reflections on restructuring in this issue of The Canadian Lutheran, and encourages LCC members to make their suggestions known as opportunities arise. “Never in our church’s history has there been this kind of opportunity for your voice to be heard,” Rev. Schallhorn notes. “Plan on taking advantage of this significant opportunity by already praying about what you will share with our commission.”

LCC’s Board of Directors has also approved the addition of a number of advisory members to help the commission in their restructuring work. Deacon Jennifer Frim, Marilyn Schulz, and Rev. Dr. Harold Ristau have all been appointed to serve as advisory members to the CCMS’ restructuring committee.

The CCMS next meets in November.


Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: October 21, 2015
Posted In: Headline, National News,