2016 final year for Pastor’s Desk Diary

00_COVER_2009CANADA – Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) in St. Catharines, Ontario has announced that 2016 will be the final year for the publication of the Pastor’s Desk Diary.

“We are sorry to announce that 2016 was the last year of publication for the Pastor’s Desk Diary,” the seminary writes in an announcement. “Thrivent Financial in the US have provided us with files to edit for the Canadian context over the past decade or so. But recently they announced to us that they are discontinuing the diary. We do not have the resources to produce it on our own.”

While the seminary will no longer produce the Pastor’s Desk Diary, it will however continue to provide a poster-sized liturgical calendar to Lutheran Church–Canada congregations. The calendar is valued by pastors, altar guilds, and musicians as a handy way to plan out the seasons.

Those looking for a replacement for the desk diary that covers the LSB lectionary may wish to consider an electronic alternative. Concordia Publishing House produces iCal, a service provided for free which can be viewed online as well as be subscribed to via a calendar program or app on a smartphone: http://www.cph.org/t-resources-diary.aspx.


Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: July 29, 2016
Posted In: Education News, Headline, National News,