LCC Board Approves Framework for Election of Regional Mission and Ministry Council Lay Members UPDATED

The Board of Directors of Lutheran Church-Canada (LCC) approved two recommendations from its Restructuring Working Group during its April 26th meeting regarding the election of lay members to the Regional Mission and Ministry Councils (RMMC) and the effective date of office. LCC’s Commission on Nominations and Elections (CNE), elected in October 2017, oversees the nomination and election of Regional Pastors, Circuit Councillors and lay members of the RMMCs.

Earlier this year the CNE requested that congregations provide the names of nominees for all regional positions. This process is underway and nominations should be submitted as soon as possible. The commission will contact those nominated for election to confirm they will stand. Nominees will also be vetted to see if they are eligible for election. “We still need more names to work from in order to fulfill our mandate,” explains CNE chairman Rev. Lorne Reddemann.

The CNE will then compile the list of nominees and provide a slate of names for election in each circuit.

Finally, at the District Conventions in October, members will caucus by circuit and elect an RMMC lay representative from the slate of candidates.

“I would encourage all congregations to participate in this process.” says President Teuscher. “Moreover, although there are questions surrounding the duties and other particulars of some of these positions that cannot be answered at this time of transition to our new synodical structure; I would strongly encourage all who have been nominated to serve our Lord and His church in these ways to allow their name to stand.”

The Regional Pastor, Circuit Counsellor and RMMC members elected at their District Conventions will take office on January 1, 2019. The term extends until the Synodical Convention in 2021.

The current District Presidents and current Circuit Counsellors remain in office until December 31, 2018 so that there is no gap in service.

UPDATE (Aug 31, 2018)

Timing for Congregational Offerings to go Directly to Synod: LCC Board of Directors will begin receiving congregational offerings on January 1, 2019. Since the District fiscal year end is on January 31, 2019—Lutheran Church-Canada will be in consultation with each District, in January, to provide reasonable provision, if budget fulfillment is a problem.

Is the Regional Pastor a “Called” position? Call Documents will be issued for this position, with a timeline.

Residence requirement for Regional Pastors: A policy has been approved. While we have traditionally maintained offices in the cities of Edmonton, AB; Winnipeg, MB, and Kitchener, ON, the need for these offices is no longer of the same importance. That allows some flexibility in the location of the Regional Pastor.

Posted By: canluth
Posted On: May 22, 2018
Posted In: Headline, National News, Together in Mission and Ministry,