Lutherans mark Sanctity of Life Sunday

CANADA – On January 20, 2019 Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) will mark Sanctity of Life Sunday, naming issues like abortion, physician assisted suicide, and euthanasia in prayer during public worship.

The subject is again under debate in Canada, as assisted suicide proponents push to have legislation expanded to allow those without terminal illnesses (including mental illness) to seek physician assisted suicide.

Congregations may wish to use the following prayer, which LCC first released for use in 2013.

We thank you for having made each human being in Your image. You love all people, and because You love all people, we know that each life is precious in Your sight. Rise and defend the lives of the vulnerable: the unborn, the elderly, the sick. Turn the hearts of those who would practice abortion and euthanasia. Comfort those who have lost loved ones to such sins, and forgive those who have committed them. You tell your people in Scripture: “Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die” (Proverbs 31:8 NKJV). Help us, O Lord, to be a voice for the voiceless and to defend the sanctity of life in our land.


LCC congregations seeking additional resources on life issues may wish to explore materials available on the website of Lutherans for Life-Canada and its American counterpart Lutherans for Life.

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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: January 18, 2019
Posted In: Feature Stories, Headline, National News,