The world needs the Good News the Lord has entrusted to us


Treasured friends in Christ Jesus:

In His kindness God is giving us one more opportunity to hear the news flash from Bethlehem, that the Rescuer of the human race has invaded our world. He did not do this as a conquering warrior with a weapon in His hand. He did it as a helpless Child laid on the straw of a cow’s lunch box. He wrapped Himself in our flesh and blood. He took His place next to us in this world of sin, so that we one day could take our place with Him on high and sing His praises forever. What a joy He brought to earth! What a hope He gives to us!

Here in Synod’s office in Winnipeg, my co-workers and I have been praying nearly every workday in December that the Lord would bless the message of Christmas as it is sounded in our churches from Nova Scotia in the East to British Columbia in the West. May God give our pastors the words to preach this news with great power. May He also give them a winsome heart something like His own great heart, so that people are drawn to Bethlehem’s Christ and embrace this Rescuer-Child Who comes again to one and all.

With these lines I reach into your local congregation, and to you members in the pews who rejoice with me over Christ’s coming. The Lord bless your hearing of His Good News at this happy time. I also ask Him to enter into your homes, and to bless the celebration of Christmas in your families. He is especially standing by you who may be enduring struggles right now because you’ve lost a loved one … or because disease has invaded your body … or because you’re out of work and afraid for that reason … or because there is discord within your household. God puts your name and address all over the promise when He says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

In your congregations and neighbourhoods you are surrounded by people who may be open to the message of Christ at this point in the year. I trust God to make clear where those open doors are, and to give you the heart to walk through them. The world needs the Good News the Lord has entrusted to us. May He fill us so full with it that it cannot help but spill over into the lives of others all around.

A happy, holy Christmas to all of you!

Robert Bugbee, President
Lutheran Church-Canada

Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: December 24, 2009
Posted In: Presidential Perspectives,