Weekly call to prayer now online

by Marion Hollinger

Lutheran women across North America have a special opportunity to pray together every Monday at noon. The practice is the only surviving activity established by the now-disbanded Lutheran Women’s Co-operating Committee.

Until a few years ago women from four auxiliaries—Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada (Lutheran Church–Canada), Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod), Evangelical Lutheran Women (Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada) and Women of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) comprised a networking group called Lutheran Women’s Co-operating Committee (LWCC). The group existed for about forty years.

Each year LWCC established an activity in which all four groups could participate. Only one activity still survives: praying at noon each Monday.

For most of the years LWML–Canada participated, members simply added this time of prayer to their calendars. But, for the past two years the league’s Christian Growth Committee has written short prayers to supplement what women might pray about each Monday and posted them on the organization’s website www.lutheranwomen.ca.

In September, LWML–Canada set out to reach a broader community of women in Lutheran Church–Canada and beyond, drawing them together in prayer. The written prayers are now posted on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LWMLC. They will be online each Sunday evening ready for use the next day at noon. The Facebook page is Lutheran Women and, though it is maintained by LWML–Canada, it is a place for all Lutheran women in LCC and beyond to come together.

Marion Hollinger is editor of Tapestry magazine and is vice-president— Communications of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada.

Posted By: Matthew Block
Posted On: September 23, 2011
Posted In: Headline, National News,