A Christmas Letter from LCC’s Board of Directors


ONLINE – A letter was sent out today, on behalf of the Board of Directors of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), extending prayers and Christmas greetings to all the members of our congregations and to all our pastors, deacons, and church workers.

The letter continued with the following message:

“Always winter, but never Christmas.” Such is how C.S. Lewis describes the land of Narnia in his popular children’s book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, whether they be children of 9 years old or 90. Such is probably the sentiment of many people here in our nation this year what with COVID-19 related government restrictions on Christmas shopping and family gatherings at Christmas time, and even the possibility that many of us may not be able to physically gather together with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ for Christmas services. Yes, “always winter, but never Christmas.”

This past year has indeed been a most uncertain, difficult, and trying time for all of us – “the winter of our discontent,” to use the phrase penned by William Shakespeare. And yet, with God’s blessing and in accordance with His promise, His Word is not bound by COVID-19 restrictions but continues to accomplish that which He purposes and succeeds in the thing for which He sends it (Isaiah 55:11). 

We especially commend the pastors and lay leaders in our congregations who are providing Word and Sacrament ministry to and for their members in a variety of ways during this coronavirus pandemic. We would also express our appreciation to all who continue to provide worship materials and other resources for individuals and congregations during this time. While offerings received from congregations for the support of the work we have committed ourselves to do together have declined, we are still able to support mission and ministry work across our nation, as well as on the international scene in Ukraine, Cambodia, Thailand, and Nicaragua. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel in this regard.

As a Board we also continue to navigate our way through a variety of matters pertaining to the restructuring of our Synod, and are slowly but surely transitioning into a new way of doing things. We appreciate your patience and understanding in this whole process. One of the Board’s primary goals or objectives is transparency. To this end financial statements of LCC, as well as summaries of our BOD meetings, are posted on our synod’s website for all to view. Finally, we would be remiss if we would not also acknowledge the dedicated service in these unusual and difficult times of our Regional Pastors, Circuit Counsellors, Regional Mission and Ministry Council members, the members of our various commissions and committees, and our office staff. 

“Always winter, but never Christmas.” While some might regard that phrase as an apt description of the times in which we are living, we would instead put it this way: “Always winter, but always Christmas.” After all, even in what might be a most unusual Christmas this year our newborn Lord and Saviour still comes to us with His heavenly, eternal gifts – lying in the manger of His Word and the blessed Sacrament. So the great Lutheran hymnwriter, Paul Gerhardt, expresses it:

“Softly from His lowly manger  Jesus calls, One and all,

‘You are safe from danger.

Children, from the sins that grieve you You are freed; All you need

I will surely give you.’

Come, then, banish all your sadness!  One and all, Great and small,

Come with songs of gladness.

We shall live with Him forever There on high In that joy

Which will vanish never.”  (LSB 360:5-6)

May you have a peaceful and joyful Christmas!

Arnold Drung, LCC BOD Chairman

Grace Henderson, LCC BOD Secretary

Rev. Timothy Teuscher, LCC President


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: December 9, 2020
Posted In: Headline, National News,