“Angels Reminiscing”: A Christmas celebration

EDMONTON, Alta. – The most wonderful time of the year was celebrated in a most wonderful way by Redeemer Lutheran Church this year. Piled-up snow, icy roads, negative temperatures, and COVID-19 restrictions were not able to thwart the church’s enthusiasm and excitement in celebrating this year’s Christmas. 

It all started with a small conversation over coffee in the friendship room during the first weeks of November. Some shared about the joy and contentment they had experienced in the past in different ways celebrating Christ’s birth. No doubt everyone around the table had experienced many different opportunities to proclaim Jesus’ birth during the Christmas celebration. And a few others started pondering what could be done this year. 

It is normal to point out all the negatives when we come up with a new idea: not enough children in Sunday School, busy schedules, no one to coordinate, and many more challenges. But it was not easy to extinguish the spark inside everyone determined to do something special for this Christmas.

So, in the friendship room, the group started expanding the conversation over the following weeks. The voices around one table became the voice of the whole congregation. The following conversations and actions validated the saying, “Where there is a will there is a way.”

A nativity play is a fantastic way to depict the Bible readings for Christmas Eve, and so Redeemer Lutheran decided to put on just such a play, calling it “Angels Reminiscing.” A script was prepared, which imagined the angels Gabriel and Michael recollecting all their memories of Jesus’ birth. Characters included the two angels, the baby Jesus with Mary and Joseph, shepherds and sheep, and three wise men following a star. The cast ranged from a three-month-old baby to a senior citizen, and though the cast and crew hailed from different countries and continents, they all belonged to Redeemer Lutheran Church.

The congregation had a great and meaningful Christmas celebration with the great support and guidance of their pastor, Rev. James Fritsche. At the end of the nativity play, the angels reminded everyone that Christmas trees, lights, carols, and gift-giving are all wonderful, but the real and best Christmas gift is Jesus, who came to live with us and save us from our sins.

Shana Sam


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: February 7, 2023
Posted In: Headline, West Region News,