LCC congregations impacted by Alberta wildfires

Alberta Wildfire Status Map, May 17, 2023

ALBERTA - With 91 active wildfires as of May 16, 2023, and 19,576 evacuees, the province has been under a state of emergency since May 6. There has not been much rain yet this spring, and high winds have fanned the fires and smoke has spread across most of Canada, leading to air quality warnings. It is very early in the wildfire season to have such a severe situation, and rain and a cessation of the wind are desperately needed.  

There were evacuations in Evansburg (Advent Lutheran Church) and Drayton Valley (Emmaus Lutheran Church), and Valleyview (Good Shepherd Lutheran Church) was evacuated on Monday. The church at Wembley (St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church) was within the 10-kilometre zone of the main fire, but the situation there is now under control. Rochfort Bridge (Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church) and High Prairie (Redeemer Lutheran Church) are under an evacuation alert.  

Tomahawk (Immanuel Lutheran Church) is near an evacuation zone and has been a reception centre for evacuees. Rev. Robert Marshall reports that they have been assisting those in need of food and shelter.  

If you know of any other congregations affected by wildfires, please contact LCC Communications. 

Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s West Regional Pastor Rev. Robert Mohns encourages prayer for the congregations and communities that have been impacted by these devastating fires.  

“Praise God that to this point we are not aware of loss of life directly related to the fires, nor are we aware of loss of church buildings in the affected areas,” Rev. Mohns said, “but heavy particulate matter in the smoke which has blanketed the entire province is affecting many seniors along with those with breathing difficulties.” 

The following written prayer option has been provided by Rev. Mohns:

Holy and most merciful God, grant Your Divine protection to all those affected by the devastating wildfires that continue to rage in Western Canada. Mercifully remember all those whose lives and property are being threatened. Be with those who place their own lives in danger in order to save the lives and property of others. Grant, O Lord, seasonable weather and rain to douse fire and renew the land that it might once again produce food for your people. According to Your providential care provide resources to support those who have been displaced by the fires. Watch over the elderly and those with health challenges whose lives have been threatened by the dense smoke that now covers many parts of our land.

Calm our anxieties and fears in these uncertain and ever-changing times of danger, as we wait for news of loved ones, family, friends, and our fellow citizens. Grant us faith to trust that as You stood with Your beloved children in the consuming fires of the fiery furnace and brought them to safety so You will, according to Your mercy, deliver us. Grant wisdom and compassion to the leaders of our country that they might exercise their authority for the sake and saving of our citizens. Into Your hands we commend ourselves and all for whom we pray, in Jesus’ name. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: May 17, 2023
Posted In: Headline, West Region News,