LCC military chaplain conducts Religious Leader Engagement with ELCL archbishop

RIGA, LATVIA – On February 4, 2020, Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Canadian Armed Forces military chaplain, Lieutenant (Navy) David Jackson conducted a Religious Leader Engagement (RLE) with Archbishop Jānis Vanags of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia (ELCL).

Meeting with the Lutheran Archbishop of Riga, and two senior Latvian military chaplains, Padre Jackson discussed the role of military chaplains, as well as the ongoing integration of multinational chaplains with the Latvian Chaplains in Camp Adazi. The archbishop provided insights into the life of the ELCL and its historic and current role in Latvian society.

Although there is no state church in Latvia, the Lutheran Church is the predominant confession in the country, followed by the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church.

There is no formal fellowship agreement between LCC and the ELCL, but the two church bodies share a common confession in doctrine and practice. The only significant difference is in church polity, since the ELCL is more episcopal in structure than LCC. The ELCL is in fellowship with The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, and has been investigating joining the International Lutheran Council (ILC). The ILC is a worldwide association of confessional Lutheran church bodies, of which LCC is a member.

Affectionately known as “Padre” to the troops, Lieutenant (Navy) Jackson is currently deployed for a six month period on Operation REASSURANCE as the chaplain of NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group (eFP BG), Latvia.


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: March 6, 2020
Posted In: Headline, International News,