LCC website using new domain name

ONLINE – Users of Lutheran Church–Canada’s website may notice a minor change as LCC incorporates a new domain name to resolve an issue that caused a technical conflict between the website’s original domain name and the server used in the Winnipeg office. The Committee for Communications and Technology (CCT) discussed the issue at a recent meeting and and LCC office staff was able to find a solution that minimizes disruption to the office, the website, and future plans for more congregational websites using the same system.

LCC’s website will now use the domain name, and the existing name will automatically redirect users to the new domain. There will be no changes to any email addresses that end in LCC will continue to use the shorter domain name in its publications, in print, and in other avenues of communication.

Despite the fact that people do not need to make any changes to their browser bookmarks or email address books, the CCT believes it is important to communicate this change as part of the commitment of LCC’s leadership to increased transparency and improved communication with the people of LCC. If you wish to have a more detailed technical explanation of the challenge and how it was resolved, please contact the CCT through the LCC office at


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: October 7, 2019
Posted In: Headline, National News,