Looking ahead… What’s New at CLS?

EDMONTON – Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS) eagerly anticipates the arrival of their new professor, Rev. Dr. Sam Thompson, whose travel from India has been delayed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Thompson has a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology, and has served as Missionary to Nepali and Bhutanese refugee immigrants in St. Louis, Missouri (2012-2016); as Pastor and school manager at Zoarhill Lutheran Church, Trivandrum (2008-2010); as pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, and Immanuel Lutheran Church, Trivandrum (2001-2006); and has experience working among street children in Bangalore and Mumbai, and Hijiras in Bangalore, Mumbai and Chennai (1997-2001).

Though the seminary will have five full-time students on campus and two on vicarage in the Spring, CLS has also had significant conversations with six others who plan to begin in the Fall.

One of the major seminary projects is preparing for the upcoming accreditation evaluation and review. CLS is nearing the end of the seven-year accreditation cycle (the longest term possible for a small school) and is gearing up with a 96-page report and other details for the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) reaccreditation visit from February 8-11, 2021.

Please remember the seminary’s faculty in prayer, as well as everyone who helps support, teach, and uplift students. Pray that God would grant the board, faculty, and staff wisdom and insight as they continue to form servants for Jesus’ sake; and that He would open doors for Dr. Thompson to travel to Canada soon.


Learn more about Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton at www.concordiasem.ab.ca

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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: December 8, 2020
Posted In: Education News, Headline,