Lutheran Church–Canada financial update (Nov-Dec 2019)

Download the latest financial update from Lutheran Church–Canada as a bulletin insert here.

CANADA – The mission of Lutheran Church-Canada (LCC) is to organize, equip, and motivate its members to confess, proclaim, and give witness to the saving work of Jesus Christ, to the glory of God.

What we do together as LCC:

  1. Canadian Missions – We develop and support mission efforts throughout the country; assist congregations and explore new opportunities for outreach; and provide works of mercy and relief to those less fortunate.
  2. International Missions – We support mission work in Central America, South-East Asia, and Ukraine, including Gospel outreach; theological training of indigenous church workers; and social ministry efforts like children’s feeding programs and Christian education.
  3. Church Worker Education – We help to fund the work of our seminaries.
  4. Leadership and Member Care – We provide ecclesiastical leadership and pastoral care through the work of the Synod President, Regional Pastors, and Circuit Counselors.
  5. Building Community – We foster greater community and spiritual growth through the publication of The Canadian Lutheran and other media.

To accomplish our work together, generous offerings of faithful members throughout the country are needed. A portion of gifts laid upon the altar at local congregations is remitted to LCC. In total, these gifts make up 68 percent of LCC’s overall revenue and are critical for funding the vital work we do together, in areas like national and international missions. We are most grateful for the generous mission remittances a number of congregations have already sent to LCC.

Currently, however, there is a deficit due to overall congregational remittances being ($387,718) less than expected. The BOD is aware that the third quarter of LCC’s fiscal year primarily includes the summer month offerings from congregations, which typically are the lowest months of church attendance. Offerings and attendance levels are closely linked. Some congregations are also experiencing financial challenges; but we ask that you please bring this matter to the Lord in prayer, trusting God to provide the resources needed to carry out his great commission.

The LCC Board of Directors will report back to congregations with an update on LCC Finances at the end of the fiscal year (January 31, 2020).


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Posted By: LCC
Posted On: December 12, 2019
Posted In: Headline, National News,